Saturday 25 February 2012

The Parody of IRFR

Saying that January was a really busy month for us would be like an understatement. Now that the work load has ebbed and we’ve finally found some time to breathe, we’d really want to flatter and glorify ourselves for not just warming our seats throughout the winter but also winning the team of the month while doing so.

As impertinent and rhetorical as it may sound, I sincerely want to profess my gratitude towards the metaphysics of this office.

To begin with, I would like to thank the chair for not falling apart despite my ever-growing tummy, and if I could say so, my team-mates seem to be pilling on the extra fat with me as well (yes, they are our paunches and not our clothes)

I am profoundly indebted to the AC’s for helping me maintain my cool. The loo, for providing me a place to take a dump every once in a few days, despite the hectic and ever demanding schedule (even more demanding than the necessity to take a dump). And not to mention the room freshener’s, for those moments when we really didn’t have the time to visit the restrooms (if you get what I mean).

The work related mails that kept pouring in were more fascinating and intriguing than any of the romantic messages that could float around. The numerous meetings and the birthday celebrations that got over even before the cake was cut were just about as far as my social life could go. 

I wish I could also mention the conversations I had with my desk, as I couldn’t really talk to anybody else. It was also wonderful to see people from other teams loitering around, enjoying the beautiful details of life (probably not quite as much as we did) and doing every other thing that we would envy. Not to forget, our beloved manager – JP, we can’t really thank him enough for finally leaving us.

I was particularly looking forward to stretching every single day including weekends and other public holidays. Office has of late seemed to be my ideal rendezvous destination, so much so, that we even ended up spending our valentine’s day here.

Just when I thought that we have brighter days ahead to look forward to, I get reminded of this poem by Robert Frost which goes like this –
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, 
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep, 
And miles to go before I sleep.”

I hope this is not a premonition of ‘better days’.

P.S  :  I hope this is taken the way it is meant to be.  JP – I’m sure you have known me enough to understand me. This is dedicated to you and the entire Ireland Financial Reporting (IRFR – Bangalore) team. We really miss you and hope to keep up the good work.  

                                                     By the biggest idiot you could possibly know,
                                                     Dennis the Menace.